we're getting down to the real nitty-gritty!
Goals are standards that we establish for ourselves that
demonstrate what we have decided is important to us. By setting
goals, we give ourself something to strive for. In setting them,
imagine what our
capability might actually be. This allows us to develop the
possible extent of our performance. If we imagine ourselves doing
great things, we may improve our chances of actually accomplishing them.
It is logical that in order to set a valid goal and
achieve it, we will likely be required to change something that we have
been doing up to this point. If some part of our technique
(physical or mental) has prevented us from reaching our level of
peak performance, then that part
must be changed in order
for us to go on. The following "rules" apply:
If you want to make a change:
Make change a
in your life, it must be an
important thing to you.
Be willing to take
risks to accomplish that change.
Make a personal
to change - "I
do this!"
about the change when you play and practice.
Write it out and review your progress!
(2) Before we
begin setting goals, we want to be convinced that goalsetting is
important to
successful performance. Obviously, the full measure of a goal's
significance is its relative importance to
us. If we have no
intention of aiming for anything, then no amount of goalsetting will be
relevant. As the old saying goes, "If you're not going any place
in particular, then
road will get you there." In athletics,
are going
someplace particular - we are going toward success. Exactly how
that success is measured is truly, completely up to us, so it is
important that we establish relevant, sincere measurement standards.
The best results of psychological studies show that
goals probably have a positive
affect on performance. It is difficult to put absolutes on such
studies, because goals are such an
intrinsic thing that external
studies may not be able to measure them at all. Still, certain
basic aspects seem to hold true consistently, so it is important that
our goals contain these characteristics:
Our goal should be
moderate, but in the upper
region of our ability to achieve it. (For example, we should not
set a goal of averaging 60 yards per carry or having every serve be an
ace. We
set our goal for 6 yards per carry, or 6 aces per match, if those would
"stretch" our performance a bit.)
Our goals should be fairly
specific so we can easily
measure our success. (Setting goals
that contain numbers are obviously easier to measure than those that
don't. Still, we should be careful what numbers we set.
Also, if we feel more comfortable with the
theory than with the others, we will have little problem writing our
feelings about our performance in a
post-game journal, and will be satisfied if our
personal judgement of
success is high.)
Performance & process goals should be
keyed to
our personal needs
and situations. (It is
important that our goals reflect
our desires and needs, and
not that of our parents, coaches, teammates, etc. Those folks may
help us set our goals or the
appropriate level of difficulty for them, but it is
we who must be committed to
achieving the result.
goals are those that relate to a particular
thing we want to be able to
do. These usually focus on specific tasks that will make us happy
in our chosen sport - score a touchdown, make a percentage of our foul
shots, hit for a certain average, etc.
Process goals help us work
out the
method for doing
something. We might make goals that will help us be more
efficient, focused, or competent at a skill we find important.)
Our goals should be an appropriate mix of
& short term goals. (When we are setting goals, it is
important that we have some that will show change rapidly, so we will
have positive reinforcement early in the process. Other goals may
take all season to be realized, but we should be checking on their
progress regularly).
Our goals should be somewhat
public. (If we enlist a few
close friends (in addition to our teacher) who can help us stay on
track and pursue our goals when things get difficult, then we are much
more likley to complete our task. This is teamwork in a very
different way than we are used to.)
(3) It is
vital to note, that the wording of goals is
very important to the
liklihood that we will achieve them. There are several important
keys to structuring this process too:
(A) We must be
positive in what we expect to
do. Our goal must be stated in positive terms, as though there is
no alternative. (We must avoid terms like "don't", "can't", and
"won't" in our goals, because our mind does not register them.)
(B) We must be
active in our statements.
Stay in the present tense. Write what you
are doing, not what you
have done, or will do. ("I am hitting the ball solidly every
time.") [btw - a
goal, that one.]
(C) We must break down our goal into their
simplest form. ("Scoring 12
points per game" is a
goal that has too many variables to make sense. What simple tasks
will lead to accomplishing the big one?)
(D) We must keep our goals
controllable. Some of our
goals are so complex (see the one above) that a great number of people
have some control over whether we succeed or not. We need to word
our goals in such a way that
are the ones in control of the goal, not others.
(E) We must make our goals
objectively measureable. Any
person, knowing your goal, should be able to observe your performance,
and determine whether you have accomplished what you set out to.
(4) Now we are
ready to
write some
goals. To begin, you should go back to the lists you made for the
Problems page. Using your prioritized
list, look at the first 10 or so on that list. (It is important
that we keep the list manageable, so we'll have to decrease the number
somewhat.) Make sure you are still satisfied with the order of
importance. Beginning with your highest-rated problem, ask
yourself honestly and objectively how many of these items you can
reasonably work on during your season (you will probably already have
some input from me on this subject).
Use the outlines in items #2 & #3 above to write
each goal in final form. Make sure they are written in a way you
can remember easily, and that they follow the guidelines above.
Write the final form of these goals on a page in your notebook, and
also on a 3x5 notecard that you can carry with you.
Bring these items
to show me before you move on.